This page simulates what an author would experience if they were logged in to a site with Editoria11y installed: a toggle automatically appears in the lower-right-hand corner of the page with issue information. Normally it is an innocuous little checkmark; since there were critical issues detected on this page it has gone red and received an issue count.
- Explore the tips.
- Manual check issues can be marked as "OK" or "Hidden." Note that changes will not be saved in demo mode, so issues will come back if you refresh the page. Normally changes are saved and viewable from the dashboard.
- Test the "outline" and "alt text" buttons on the panel to see various pieces of structural information visualized.
- Check out the dashboard.
Note that the info panel and contextual highlighting can be set to activate automatically when new issues were found.
Heading Tests
1. Empty headings
This heading has no text:
Skipped heading levels
This H6 should have been an H3
Suspiciously long headings
A very long heading. Headings should not be used for emphasis, but rather for a document outline, so if you find yourself talking this much, this probably is being used for visual formatting, not a heading.
Suspiciously short blockquotes that maybe should be headings
Not a blockquote
Suspicious paragraphs that look like headings
This looks suspiciously like a heading
Note that this test only flags an all-bold paragraph that has no punctuation at all,
so this paragraph will not be flagged as a false positive.
Text alternatives
Image with no alt attribute at all
Screen readers end up reading this as a filename.
Image marked as decorative with an empty alt
This might be OK; flagged as needing manual review.
Image with an invalid alt attribute
E.g., alt="'"
Image with a filename as an alt
Image with redundant text in its alt
E.g., “image of.”
Image with very long alt text
Images in links where the alt text may be describing the image instead of the link
This link has text and an image.
Flagged as manual check needed for captioning:
Also flagged: embedded audio and social media.
Meaningful Links
Links with no text at all
Links titled with a URL
Links only titled with generic text
“Click here,” “learn more,” “download,” etc.
Links that open in a new window without an external link icon or text warning
Links to a documents
Note that you can set what Editoria11y should look for in your preferences file. By default it checks for PDF and DOC files.
Tables without valid headers
A table without a TH header is invalid |
And no, an "H3" does not count. |
Empty table header cells
Empty table heading cells will also be flagged: |
a. Fake lists
b. use letters or numbers.
c. rather than real formatting.
Caps lock